
Our First Pre-Registration is Live! Replication of…

After months of efforts, my co-authors and I are absolutely delighted to share this preprint, which is special in many ways:

Said, Maha, Mustafa Gharib, Samia Zrig, and Raphaël Lévy. 2023. “Replication of “Carbon-dot-based Dual-emission Nanohybrid Produces a Ratiometric Fluorescent Sensor for in Vivo Imaging of Cellular Copper Ions”” OSF Preprints. November 29. doi:10.31219/

This preprint is special because it does not contain any data*: it is a pre-registration of a study. This means that what you will read is not a selection of results assembled to tell a nice story, but our plans to test experimentally a series of hypothesis. We are submitting these plans for peer review, both formal (through PCI RR) and informal (everyone is invited to comment at PubPeer). This makes so much more sense than the traditional peer review system: by peer reviewing our proposed plans and methodology you can truly help us build a more robust study that will contribute to solve the paradox of intracellular sensing with nanoparticle probes and help establish standards in how to study endosomal escape of nanoparticles. Once the pre-registered report receives “In Principle Acceptance”, after one or more rounds of peer review, we will do the experimental work, following the registered protocol, and the results will be published whatever they are. So, not only does this approach helps achieve a sound methodology before the experiments starts, it also helps to solve the problem of publishing bias where “negative results” don’t get published thus distorting the literature.

This preprint is also special because it is the first public step in the ERC NanoBubbles replication project in which we hope to reproduce several highly cited articles that report intracellular sensing with nanoparticles. We will also use this mechanism of pre-registration of studies for the next replications.

Now, I am sure you are wondering how you can help? The good news is that there are many ways. Read our registered report. Share this post to give visibility to this initiative. Peer review the proposal and give us constructive feedback to improve our plans. Get in touch to help us with the next pre-registration where we want to do a multi-site replication and will therefore need partners (nanoparticle synthesis, characterisation, microscopy, image analysis).

I am incredibly grateful to Maha and Mustafa who have done most of the work preparing this document; to Samia who supervised Mustafa for a little bit of organic synthesis (the only bit that we have done pre-registration; see paper for details). We are also thankful to the European Research Council for funding the project, and to Nicole Hondow (University of Leeds) and Aurélien Deniaud (University of Grenoble) for their suggestions and comments on the manuscript.

15 years of PLOS ONE and some stripes

PloS One has an interesting blog post celebrating 15 years since that adventure began with interviews of former member of the editorial team, Damian Pattinson, Ginny Barbour, Matt Hodgkinson, Iratxe Puebla and Joerg Heber. During that period PloS One published a quarter of millions of articles containing probably ~ one million figures so I was amazed to see that the one figure included in that blog post comes from our paper on the interpretation of stripy nanoparticles images (Stirling et al, Critical Assessment of the Evidence for Striped Nanoparticles ). To be fair, the reason for this choice has nothing to do with the merits of our article. Here is the relevant excerpt from the blog post

In some cases, difficult editorial situations led to innovative solutions that further advanced PLOS’ mission. Iratxe Puebla, Associate Director at ASAPbio, remembers a time where PLOS ONE’s publication criteria and Open Access publishing model drove knowledge forward:

PLOS ONE was created to remove barriers: for authors to publish their work (related to scope or perceived impact) and for readers to access and reuse scientific content. Looking back at the many initiatives and papers I was involved with during my time at PLOS, there is one article that exemplifies this goal of facilitating openness.

In 2014 PLOS ONE handled a paper that reported a re-analysis of previous publications reporting the creation of “striped nanoparticles”. The authors completed a re-analysis and critique of those findings and wished to publish their work in a journal so that it would be part of the scientific record, on the same ground as the original articles. The authors had had trouble getting earlier critiques published in journals, and decided to submit the paper to PLOS ONE. This is where the first barrier went down: PLOS ONE would not reject the manuscript because it reported a re-analysis or because it relied on previously available data, the evaluation would focus on the rigor of the methodology and the validity of the conclusions.

The paper underwent a thorough peer review process and was accepted. But then we encountered a dilemma: the re-analysis required comparisons to images in the original publications where the journals owned copyright. Should we ask for permission to publish the images under a single-use license or request to republish them under the CC BY license used by PLOS ONE? While the former would have been the traditional (and easier) approach, we chose to pursue the latter. Why? Because the journal wanted to make all its content be available for reuse, for both humans and machines, without having to check individual figures in individual articles for the permitted uses. The PLOS ONE team worked with the authors and the publishers of the original articles, and we were pleased that they agreed to have the images republished under the CC BY license. As a result, the full article, including all images, is available for reuse without license-related barriers.

Finding that resolution was not so easy and we were quite frustrated at the time as this post (How can we trust scientific publishers with our work if they won’t play fair? Julian Stirling) illustrates .

And the stripy nanoparticles saga tested PLOS ONE’s publishing platforms in other ways too. As the bottom of this post (Identity theft: a new low in the stripy nanoparticles controversy) recalls, it was too easy to create profiles & comment on papers with a false identity. A fake “Dr Wei Chen” and a fake “Dr Gustav Dhror” left 10s of comments on our article.

Do striped nanoparticles exist? Figure 3 from Stirling J, Lekkas I, Sweetman A, Djuranovic P, Guo Q, Pauw B, et al. (2014) Critical Assessment of the Evidence for Striped Nanoparticles. PLOS ONE 9(11): e108482.

Guest post: Rewarding Reproducibility and Correction in Science

This is a guest post by Jan-Philipp Günther, Max Planck Institute for Intelligente System.

During my PhD, I was involved in multiple scientific discussions, which focused on the reproducibility of scientific results. At first, we examined these results, which have been published in high-ranked journals, out of curiosity and to understand them further, but then discovered that the measurements were not reproducible. After determining the sources of errors (measurement artefacts), we published our results. This cost us a lot of time and energy and was mainly rewarded by positive feedback from colleagues at conferences, but I think that many scientists who try to understand and reproduce published results are not willing to make their findings public – and even if they try to do so, they might face resistance from publishers. I was also amazed to learn of other papers, which are known by several senior scientists of the community to be irreproducible, but where this insight never appeared in print. As scientists, we know that mistakes can and will happen and that science is merely the process of advancing our understanding. Hence publications that over time are no longer considered to be correct are a part of science, but to an even greater extent should repeating experiments and corrections of the literature be accepted and encouraged. These corrections can save time and money and in rare cases (e.g., medical sciences) even lives. In the current era of bibliometrics, the pressure on scientists to regularly produce high impact papers and the pressure on journals to publish the most spectacular results as fast as possible has led to an increasing occurrence of errors and in some cases even fraud (see this project as an example to address “Scientific Misconduct and the Attempt of a Counterattack”). Additionally, the current system rewards irreproducible publications with more citations, where in most cases the citing article does not even mention the replication failure. This makes me as a young scientist believe that action is needed to bring these problems to the awareness of scientists and publishers. During a recent scientific meeting with many fruitful discussions, I had the idea to encourage and reward scientists to revisit experiments with dedicated awards, especially if repeating experiments reveals new insights or is able to correct the literature. Some ideas for awards are listed below, which will hopefully start a discussion on this topic within the community.

Award for reproducing published experiments

An award could be dedicated to scientists, who spend time to reproduce challenging experiments. This might encourage scientists to test published results or make their findings public, if they did run the experiments already, but did not find the time to publish their results. These studies should be awarded independent of the outcome. The focus should be on the effort invested, the challenges and the impact of the results. The award should also consider the contribution of young scientists, which did the actual experiment, since this can in some cases be extremely time consuming and risky.

Advancing scientific reproducibility award

This award might be handed to individuals or organizations, which foster the progression of scientific reproducibility and corrections through continuous effort or single innovations. One example might be the establishment of an online tool for scientific exchange, a journal with generous correction policies, or a group of scientists, who fought a long time to correct a certain part of the literature against resistance. It is of course necessary to exclude ongoing scientific discussions, since it might be impossible to determine, which side is correct, or it might be impossible to find an impartial committee or reviewers for the award.

Self-correction award

Quite often the original authors of papers gain additional insights or have discovered a mistake, but the stigma of correcting their own work or retracting the original publication is too big. Although many scientists seem to feel this way, it is not what I found to be the case in the vast majority of discussions, which I had with colleagues, who are in favor of self-correction and retraction and do not regard this as a stigma. Until the opinion that self-correction is a noble (and necessary) act has not reached the majority of scientists, awards for such self-corrections could be implemented. The award should of course only be handed out, if the candidates are willing to accept it.

Award for anonymous whistleblowers

Awards for whistleblowers might already exist, but this award should be dedicated to anonymous whistleblowers, which lead to scientific corrections. Especially in the case of scientific misconduct, it might be impossible for one of the authors to correct erroneous publications oneself without the support of all coauthors. In this case the authors should be encouraged to alert other scientists anonymously with a public announcement. If this announcement leads to a correction of the scientific literature, the whistleblower can be nominated. The prize money should be donated to open science foundations, since it of course cannot be handed out to the awardee publically. Hence, the awardee is not benefiting, but rather the scientific community.

Best PubPeer comment has the potential to become a popular and valuable tool for scientific correction, but this might strongly depend on the culture of the scientific exchange. High quality and respectful comments could be encouraged with an award. This could also be implemented with a dedicated title, symbol or name tag on the website. Maybe only signed comments should be considered.

It would be beneficial if an independent institution could be founded to handle the awarding process. Application or nomination for the awards should be open to everyone. I hope this will lead to further discussion on the topic of scientific correction and will maybe someday help scientists to make the right decisions for the benefit of us all. The utopian dream of the smooth, perfect (self-)correction in science, may never be achieved, but we will hopefully be able to foster a culture, where reproducing experiments will be honored and where mistakes can be addressed in a respectful dialogue. Please let me know your comments and concerns, and please feel free to develop these ideas further.

Conflict of interest/publishing ethics; a short case study

The company Aurasense (now Exicure) was established in 2009. Founders are Shad Thaxton and Chad Mirkin. Its first employee was David Giljohann: Principal Scientist (2009-11), then COO 2012-13, now CEO.

According to this 2009 New York Times article, Thaxton and Mirkin founded Aurasense to commercialise a technology based on “tiny particles that mimic those good carriers of cholesterol before it can grow into dangerous deposits of plaque”

Thaxton, Mirkin & Giljohann are coauthors of a 2012 ACS Nano article: “Tailoring of Biomimetic High-Density Lipoprotein Nanostructures Changes Cholesterol Binding and Efflux”. Their affiliations are listed as Northwestern University. The article does not include any competing interest statement. There is no mention of the company Aurasense. Last sentence of article:


Thaxton published also in 2012 another study in PNAS where the conflict of interest was disclosed: “Conflict of interest statement: C.S.T. is cofounder of AuraSense, LLC, which holds licenseto synthetic HDL nanoparticles from Northwestern University”.

It seems most people (in my twitter followers anyway) agree that failing to declare relevant affiliation to a company and failing to declare competing interests is a breach of publishing ethics. But is there any remedy?

Note: this is a short case study focusing on one specific article. There is a lot more to consider about Aurasense/Exicure/Mirkin articles and competing interests (watch this space but don’t be too impatient).

The long life of unicorns

This article is a collaboration between a scientist and a philosopher. It tackles a very important issue : how do wrong beliefs sustain themselves in spite of lack of supporting evidence? Specifically, the article considers the belief in nanoparticles diffusing through biological membranes, i.e. one that is the topic of many computational studies as well as being regularly cited as a source of concern (e.g. toxicity) and potential (e.g. drug delivery).

Currently available as a preprint at

The Unicorns, “le bestiaire fantastique”, 16th Century tapestry (Château de La Trémollière, France). Belief in the existence and curative properties of unicorns was common in the European Middle Age and Renaissance. The debate over their existence lasted well into the 18th century.

Open peer review of (not so) controversial articles

Publishing articles that are critical of previously published work is notoriously difficult but the secrecy of peer review makes it hard to explain the kind of biases and tricks that one faces in this enterprise. Opening peer review, i.e. sharing reports and responses, would certainly help. Here is an interesting exemple related to an article (nicely discussed by Philip Moriarty in a previous post) which is not even critical of prior literature but touches on the stripy nanoparticles controversy. That was too much for Reviewer #1 (hyperlinks added by me; they point to relevant blog posts here or at PubPeer):

Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
This paper describes the scanning tunnelling microscopy imaging (STM) of a silver cluster (Ag374). To the best of my knowledge there is no report of such things to date. As such I think this paper should be published but in a specialised journal or a broad journal with reporting functions as Scientific Reports.

The significance of this paper as such is minimal. The STM does not add anything to what X-ray crystallography has shown so far also on the same cluster. In fact it requires strong support from calculation.

The STM itself has been widely published on nanoparticles by the group of Stellacci. The authors do reference a controversy there but do not comment on it an neither add to it.

The approach used is almost identical to the one described by such group in Ong et al ACS Nano (non cited), and the results achieved are similar to the ones described in the same paper and in Moglianetti et al. (not cited). Their minimal difference is that they achieved these results in liquid nitrogen and helium temperature, but low temperature results were described in Biscarini et al. (not cited).

Given the scant discussion in the paper (lacks any point) and the two major objections report, I suggest rejection.

The other, more supportive reports, and the response from the authors, can be downloaded from Nature Communications.

Scientific terrorist

At the 2018 American Chemical Society National Meeting in Boston, I asked a question to Chad Mirkin after his talk on Spherical Nucleic Acids. This is what I said:

In science, we need to share the bad news as well as the good news. In your introduction you mentioned four clinical trials. One of them has reported. It showed no efficacy and Purdue Pharma which was supposed to develop the drug decided not to pursue further. You also said that 1600 forms of NanoFlares were commercially available. This is not true anymore as the distributor has pulled the product because it does not work. Finally, I have a question: what is the percentage of nanoparticles that escape the endosome.

I had written my question and I asked exactly this although not in one block as he started answering before I had made all my points. He became very angry. The exchange lasted maybe 5 minutes. Towards the end he said that no one is reading my blog (who cares), that no one agrees with me, he called me a “scientific zealot” and a “scientific terrorist”. The packed room was shell shocked. We then moved swiftly to the next talk.

Two group leaders, one from North America and the other one from Europe, came to me afterwards.

Group leader 1:

Science is ever evolving and evidenced based. The evidence is gathered by first starting to ask questions. I witnessed an interaction between two scientists. One asks his questions gracefully and one responding in a manner unbecoming of a Linus Pauling Medalist. It took courage to stand in front of a packed room of scientists and peers to ask those questions that deserved an answer in a non-aggressive manner. It took even more courage to not become reactive when the respondent is aggressive and belittling. I certainly commended Raphael Levy for how he handled the aggressive response from Chad Mirkin. Even in disagreements, you can respond in a more professional manner. Not only is name calling not appropriate, revealing the outcomes of reviewers opinions from a confidential peer-review process is unprofessional and unethical.*

Lesson learned: Hold your self to a high standard and integrity.

Group leader 2:

Many conferences suffer from interesting discussions after a talk in such way that there are questions and there are answers. So far so good. Only in rare cases, a critical mind starts a discussion, or ask questions which imply some disagreement with the presented facts. Here I was surprised how a renowned expert like Chad Mirkin got in rage by such questions of Raphael Levy and how unprofessional his reaction was. It was not science any longer, it was a personal aggression, and this raises the question why Chad Mirkin acted like this? I do not think that this strategy helps to get more acceptance by the audience. I tribute to Raphael Levy afterwards, because I think science needs critical minds, and one should not be calm because of the fear to get attacked by a speaker. Science is full of statements how well everything works, and optimism is the fuel to keep research running. There is nothing wrong with this, but definitely one also need critical questions to make progress, and what we don’t need is unprofessional behavior and discreditation.

* Group leader 1 refers here to the outcome of the reviews of this article which you can read on ChemrXiv and which was (predictably) rejected by Nature Biomedical Engineering. During the incident Chad Mirkin used these reviews to attack me.

Update: some reactions on Twitter:

“re. your exchange at if being a critical thinker is a I think this is something we should all aspire to be. Good for you.” @wilkinglab

“Do you know Rapha’s blog? Not true that no one is reading it! It is the true gem and a rare truth island!” @zk_nano

“Wow, that’s shockingly uncool.” @sean_t_barry

“What an unprofessional guy.”  @SLapointeChem

“Calling a fellow researcher a “scientific terrorist” for raising concerns and asking a question (even if you disagree with them) is shocking. Sorry to hear that there wasn’t any real discussion instead, would’ve been interesting.” @bearore

“Surprised this isn’t getting more pub. One must wonder at what point does one’s ego/reputation become more important than the science, which ABSOLUTELY must include the bad with the good.” @Ben_Jimi440

“Keep fighting the good fight tenaciously, Raphael. Like the detectives in those old film noir shows… 🤜🏼🤛🏽”  @drheaddamage

The great answer to people saying that #preprints are not peer-reviewed

That perfect title is courtesy of (see tweet below)

On Monday (25/06), we will publish a preprint about the spherical nucleic acid technology. Our paper was prompted by the publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering of “Abnormal scar identification with spherical-nucleic-acid technology” by Yeo et al.

The great answer is… review them! I issued a call to review our preprint before it comes out and I have now sent the article to a number of colleagues across the world. I am very much looking forward to their comments good or bad. The comments will be posted on PubPeer. If you have some time on your hands this Friday or over the weekend to look at the paper, drop me an email and I will also send you a preview copy.

Yeo et al corresponding authors were provided with a copy of our preprint two weeks ago but unfortunately they have not responded. I hope they will post comments on PubPeer. We are planning to subsequently submit a version (hopefully improved thanks to the comments) to Nature Biomedical Engineering. It is however sometime rather difficult to debate the scientific literature through the official channels of traditional journals so this route via preprint will accelerate this important discussion.


Three little (nano) controversies and their morals

This post is a translation of an article originally published in French in Médecine/Sciences. The Editorial of the same issue (also in French) by Pierre Corvol is entitled Scientific integrity: the need for a systemic approach (open access).  You can download a pdf of my article, or, read at the publisher’s website (subscription). For citation, please refer to the original article as follows:

Trois petites (nano) controverses et leurs morales; Raphaël Lévy; Med Sci (Paris), 33 8-9 (2017) 797-800; Publié en ligne : 18 septembre 2017; DOI:

« Selon que vous serez puissant ou misérable, les jugements de cour vous rendront blanc ou noir » [1] [Depending on your social height, The law will see your crime as black—or else as white.] Thus concludes the Fable, by Jean de La Fontaine, The Animals sick of the plague : the donkey, guilty of the theft of a few blades of grass, is condemned to death, whilst the Lion and other powerful animals guilty of much more serious crimes are treated to praise and flattery. It is tempting and comforting to think that scientific judgments are of an altogether different nature. Seen in this light, science would reside outside of power struggles and the few mishaps (mistakes, frauds, conflicts of interest) would be rapidly corrected since the reality of the material world would quickly come back to us through experimental results if we were to try to ignore it for too long. The truth is however very different. A large fraction of published scientific results cannot be reproduced. It is not a few mishaps but structural problems which affect the foundations of the scientific enterprise [2, 3]. Peer evaluations seems to encourage the publication of extraordinary stories in high impact factor journals rather than careful and rigorous experimental studies. Contradictory or “negative” data are rarely published: scientific journals are not really interested, and us, scientists, are not particularly motivated by publicly stating our doubts on the work of colleagues who could be in charge of evaluating our next article or grant application. It is particularly urgent to repair our knowledge production system because science is at the center of numerous challenges critical for the future of human beings and the planet. The (real) problems of reproducibility have already been harnessed by lobbies to attack the credibility of scientists [4]. After the election for president of the largest scientific and military power of the world of a man who denies climate change, is very positive about the use of the atomic bomb, and, more broadly wages an open war against science and truth [5], we have a paramount need for science to be open, robust, capable of defending its independence, integrity and universal values. This seems a distant prospect.

The near absence of critical discussion in the scientific literature in many areas of science could make us forget that controversies are an essential aspect of the quest for knowledge, allowing to identify weak points of experiments and theories, thus enabling to consolidate or invalidate them [6]. They are consubstantial to the scientific practice [7]. The analysis of controversies is also a tool to “symmetrically map” the actors to better understand the roles of individuals and social processes [8]. In this piece, I describe three recent controversies in my area of research: gold nanoparticles applied to biology and medicine. This is no “symmetric map”: I am not a neutral observer but a scientist active, to various degrees, in each of those. I am trying nevertheless to draw some lessons and suggestions to improve the ways we work as scientists.

Stripy Nanoparticles

In 2004, Francesco Stellacci’s group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) published in the prestigious journal Nature Materials an article describing gold nanoparticles covered by a mixture of two molecules that self-assemble to form stripes that are observed by scanning probe microscopy [9]. This article and the numerous other ones that will follow in the same journal and in others just as prestigious such as the Journal of the American Chemical Society [10], Science [11] and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) [12], suggest that, thanks to their stripes, these nanoparticles have unique properties in terms of wetting, self-organization, interaction with proteins, penetration in cells, with lots of potential applications for biomolecular sensing, or even drug delivery. These articles certainly contributes to the progress of their authors’ careers, but the stripes are an experimental artefact well known by users of scanning probe microscopy. How to explain then that more than 20 “stripy” articles were published between 2004 and 2012? It is obvious that specialists (and even enlightened amateurs) had identified the problem as early as 2004. Yet, the articles and reviews of that period show no sign of it. One now knows that Predrag Djuranovic has been the first to engage into a scientific investigation aiming at testing, and eventually, contesting, the evidence for the the existence of the stripes. In 2005, this rigorous and brave scientist was a student in Francesco Stellacci’s lab. His experimental results and numerical simulation showing how the stripes originate from a poorly adjusted feedback control system were unambiguous but MIT ensured that these results would remain secret [13]. In 2007, I submitted a technical comment responding to the Science article. This first attempt, limited in its scope to the Science article itself, was unsuccessful: Science did ask Francesco Stellacci to respond but then decided not to publish the exchange of views [14]. In 2008, a new article from the MIT group, again in Nature Materials, report that, thanks to their stripes, these nanoparticles can cross the cell membrane and directly access the cytosol [15]. This is accompanied by a commentary entitled “Particles slip cell security” [16]. After discussions with several of my students, we decide to propose a more exhaustive answer. A few months later, the article “Stripy Nanoparticles Revisited” is ready. It includes a new analysis of the stripy images concluding that the stripes are a scanning artefact as well as a critical discussion of the physicochemical and biological properties which, together with experimental results, contradict the claim of direct access to the interior of cells. The article is first submitted to Nature Materials (rejected), then NanoLetters (rejected), and, finally, Small… where it is published after an editorial process that lasted three years [17-19]. The publication of our article, in November 2012, does not end the controversy. Instead, it expands in the scientific literature (a little) and it also takes new forms (in particular on my blog and others [20-23]). Problems with the reuse of images in different publications emerge and eventually lead to two corrections ([12] and [15]). After a number of requests, Philip Moriarty and Julian Stirling (School of Physics and Astronomy, university of Nottingham, UK) are given access to the original data of the 2004 article. They demonstrate, among other things, that the stripes are present in the entire image, i.e. even between the gold nanoparticles [24], a conclusion still rejected by Francesco Stellacci [25].

Homeopathic nanoparticles

The laboratory of Molly Stevens at Imperial College is one of the most prestigious in the field of biomaterials. In 2012, two articles from the group relate the particularly interesting properties of nanoparticles for diagnostic applications. The first one, published in Nature Materials, reports a phenomenon which is entirely extraordinary in which the signal detected increases when the concentration of molecules to detect decreases (“inverse sensitivity”) [26]. Even more incredible, this phenomenon extends to the point where there is less than a molecule of enzyme, on average, in the volume under study. The second article published in Nature Nanotechnology goes further : no need for instruments, the detection of concentration of analytes in the same range is achieved thanks to a colour change visible with the naked eye [27]. Detailed critiques of these articles are available on the website PubPeer [28, 29] as well as in a preprint authored by Boris Barbour; the objections are both simple and profound but the authors have chosen not to respond. One can note that the Avogadro number includes lots of zeros (630 000 000 000 000 000 000 000) and that the detection of a macroscopic change of property due to the presence of a single molecule is therefore an achievement that requires extremely solid proofs. One of the posts on PubPeer indicates that someone contacted the Editor of Nature Nanotechnology in January 2013, but, four years later, no doubts are expressed on the journal website, in the traditional scientific literature nor in the newspapers that had covered this story (e.g. Le Monde and the Daily Mail) when it was initially published [30, 31].

Spherical Nucleic Acids

The laboratory of Chad Mirkin at Northwestern University (USA) is one of the most prestigious in the field of nanosciences applied to biology and medicine. One major theme of their research are the Spherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs), a term introduced by Mirkin to describe gold nanoparticles functionalised with DNA (or RNA) strands. These SNAs are supposed to have properties very different from linear DNA [32]. In particular, they can access the cytosol of live cells, where they could detect and regulate, the presence and quantity of mRNAs. One could ask why this solution did not appear during evolution : to access the cell machinery, viruses and bacteria would have only needed to package themselves within their genetic materials. The first articles (in Science [33], the Journal of the Americal Chemical Society [34], NanoLetters [35], ACS Nano [36]) proposing this surprising theory do no mention the mechanism of the SNAs into cells whatsover. The following one, e.g. [37], propose that the particles enter by endocytosis, but do not explain the mechanism by which the SNAs would escape endosomes. After several dozens of articles on this topic, the proportion of particles reaching the cytosol is still to be measured and reported (in spite of the fact that gold nanoparticles have been used since the 1950s to study intracellular trafficking; such a study would not be difficult). One article from the Mirkin group suggests that SNAs are degraded in the endosomes and that a “small unquantifiable portion escapes […]” [38]. Nevertheless, the particles are now commercially available under the name SmartFlares (Merck Millipore) to detect RNA inside cells. We have studied the entry of nanoparticles in cells and their ability to detect RNA. Given our difficult experience with the publication of Stripy Nanoparticle Revisited, we decided to adopt a different strategy. The project has been open and we have shared our results in quasi real time on our blog. In contradiction with the descriptions made by Mirkin and by Merck Millipore, we have observed that the SmartFlares were degraded in endosomes and were not able to detect mRNA.  Mirroring the tale of Predrag Djuranovic and the stripy nanoparticles, we were not the first to have doubts about the technology: Luke Armstrong, who had been in charge of developing the SmartFlares at Merck Millipore in California (before leaving the company) had reached the same conclusion [39]. To ensure speedy publication and transparency, we published our article on the (not so prestigious) ScienceOpen platform where peer review occurs after publication [40]. We invited comments by Mirkin to no avail. Another article by the same group in PNAS describe a new version of the SmartFlares [41]. Our analysis of the raw data (obtained after multiple insistent requests) show that the signal comes from endosomes. Our letter submitted to PNAS has been rejected by the editorial board because it “[did] not contribute significantly to the discussion of this paper” [42].


Access to raw data is essential and guaranteed by clear rules adopted by Universities, scientific journals and funding agencies. It is therefore generally possible to access data with some efforts. It is obviously preferable to publish data at the same time as the articles. This is already the norm for some categories of results and it should become generalised. Researchers should also adopt the Manifesto for reproducible research [43]. The tools are in place to improve the practice of science.

Evaluations of science and scientists must imperatively be based on a critical analysis of their work and the robustness or their results, not on the prestige of the institutions or journals. This requires a change of mind and a clear commitment from researchers who are in positions of power, i.e. everyone who features on promotion or recruitment committees. To say that an article is good because it has been published in a prestigious journal is a moral and logical error which needs to be challenged.

Institutions and scientific journals are not motivated by the quest for scientific truth. The decisisons taken by MIT (keeping Predrag Djuranovic’s findings secret), by Nature Materials (not publishing the exchange with Francesco Stellacci [14]), and by PNAS (not publishing [42]) have directly impacted progress of knowledge. These institutions have commendable principles but, in practice, they aim first at defending their reputation and finances [44]. The latter objective only partially aligns with scientific progress which requires rapid and open discussion of results and conclusions. The Worldwide Web, invented for the sharing of science, enables this discussion. Researchers therefore should embrace the following tools: 1) Pubpeer to comment on articles; 2) Preprints to publish rapidly, minimise the influence of editors, and, dissociate publication, i.e. sharing of information, from evaluation, i.e. peer review; 3) Social networks, e.g. Twitter and blogs, which constitute an ongoing scientific conference to discuss experiments, results, methods, analyses, and new publications.

Acknowledgements: I thank Marianne Noel (IFRIS) for her critical reading of this piece, and, Marianne Lévy for comments on the grammar and style [French version] very necessary after 14 years in an English-speaking country…

Conflicts of interest: The author declares that he has no conflict of interest related to this article.


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More hype than hope? #Biomaterials16

Congratulations to the organisers of the World Biomaterials Congress for having a high profile debate on the following proposition:

Nanotechnology is more hype than hope

I wish I could have attended as it is a topic I have given some thought… Thankfully, one of the attendees, Professor Laura Poole-Warren has done some live tweeting from the floor. So here is a storify.